Study of the impact of extreme events on morphosedimentary changes in Icelandic coasts
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Study of the impact of extreme events on morphosedimentary changes in Icelandic coasts

The project EXTREMEVENT is conducted through the problematic of global warming that would have as supposed impacts, an increase of the frequency and/or intensity of storm events at medium and high latitudes. In that context, the study of coastal morphodynamic processes on the peninsula of Reykjanes (SW Iceland) is proposed. It is based on the annual monitoring of a dozen coastal sites corresponding to rocky coast where cliff-top storm deposits (CTSDs) are accumulated, and accumulation forms such as boulder beach and dunes. Therefore, CTSDs carrying, transport and accumulation, and boulder beach and dunes erosion by giant storm waves are interpreted as proxy of extreme events on the dynamics of the Icelandic coasts. Comparisons with the dynamics observed on the lower latitudes of Brittany are realized through the French Service National d’Observation DYNALIT funded by the CNRS-INSU. This scientific work is based on topo-morphological measurements using KAP and UAV aerial images and DGPS field measurements; it is also based on hydrodynamic analysis using wave and tide measurements. This project was completed over a period of 3 years – 10 days of field campaign during spring period (mid-May 2020, 2021, and 2022), to accommodate the longest survey period. It is a continuation of the project previously funded by IPEV for the year 2019. From this scientific project, original scientific outputs (i.e. articles and conferences) on aspects that are not studied in Iceland yet, and scientific and educational strengthening collaboration with the University Centre of The Westfjords, are expected.