Construction of a Dolgan past and contemporary identity dynamics in the Russian Arctic: historical and anthropological approach
The DOLIDHI program will take place over four years. It is based on anthropological and historical issues about the past of Dolgans and the representation of them. The Dolgans are a Siberian people established in Upper-Arctic (peninsula of Taimyr) whose history is particularly complex. Several long missions will be carried out on the field in order to collect data by mean of interviews and participant observation. After having analysed the data prior to the 1930s (Master dissertation), I would like to study now the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Thus, my aim is to understand the relation to the past, to oneself and to the others on the long-term within this polar society abandoned by western research. The DOLIDHI program is also based on several complementary axes, especially about Orthodox and
Protestant missions, collective celebrations in the peninsula of Taimyr, Dolgan