Mining impacts and sustainability in Qamanit’uaq, Nunavut. Developing strategies and models for an equitable partnership.
TUKTU 2 project is based on the findings of TUKTU 1 and is developed at the request of the Baker Lake Inuit workshop participants. We will study the cumulative impacts of the two mines (gold and uranium), develop future scenarios, indicators of sustainability, strategies that preserve caribou livelihood while improving local population well-being. Negotiation tools, guidelines, fair and equitable partnerships will be explored with the mines. We will summarize and make accessible the EIA (Environmental Impact Information). Small scale community based and led research projects, comparative studies between arctic communities addressing local concerns and unanswered questions will be developed. Mines will be offered to join the community research projects and join forces with the community to look at future options. Collaborations will be developed with the OHMI Nunavik (Observatoire Homme Milieu) located in the community of Kangiqsujuaq north of Québec. The 2 studies conducted in TUKTU 1 will be widely disseminated and will serve as a foundation for TUKTU2.