Beyond Epica Oldest Ice (BEOI)

Beyond Epica Oldest Ice (BEOI)"

Kongsforden New Benthic Habitats"

“Since 2009, we are recording and studying the evolution in the context of climate change of the coastal submarine and […]

Aerosol Monitoring using sun photometer at Amsterdam Island (AERONET/PHOTONS station)"

This project aims to maintain the AERONET measurements at Amsterdam Island. These measurements provide optical and microphysical properties of aerosols […]

INTERACTIONS (long-term project): A joint circumpolar project to measure and predict the cascading impacts of “Indirect Trophic in arctic terrestrial vertebrate communities. Period 2023-2026 (related to our ANR funded project): PArental Care Strategies (PACS) of arctic shorebirds: consequences of the interplay between abiotic conditions and predator-prey interactions on breeding success"

There is ample evidence that climate changes (CC) are among the most influential drivers of biodiversity, and predicting the consequences […]

Foraging Ecology and Energetics of Southern Diving Predators in Relation to Climatic Variability"

The objectives of our proposal are to study the foraging strategies and energetics of the main diving birds of the […]

Coping with environmental change in colonial seabirds: physiological adaptations and limitations"

The earth’s environment is changing at an unprecedented rate. Climate change, habitat fragmentation, human-wildlife interactions, the emergence of new diseases; […]



ESA Project Euopean Space Agency"

ESA Project Euopean Space Agency"

Study of Ny-Ålesund plankton community responses to brownification by using high frequency data of autonomous sensors and by conventional measurements during an in situ mesocosm experiment"

The release of terrigenous organic carbon to the Arctic Ocean, due to the reduction of the permafrost and the consequent […]