Evolutionary ecology of salmonids colonization of the Kerguelen Is.
Projets soutenus ↦ Evolutionary ecology of salmonids colonization of the Kerguelen Is.

Evolutionary ecology of salmonids colonization of the Kerguelen Is.

Research conducted in the SALMEVOL project focuses on the evolutionary ecology of salmonids in the specific context of the successful colonization of the Kerguelen Is by some of the species that have been introduced 60 years ago. Trout is the only speciesthat has successfully colonize almost all watersheds of the eastern half of the main island. The large-scale experiment that was initiated by these introductions is of major interest in the context of global warming and very fast glacier retreat in the sub-Antarctic region. The tremendous database and samples collected from 1954 to the present, together with our multidisciplinary expertise, allow us to explore some of the major issues concerning the success of biological invasions, the evolution and adaptation of species and their relationships with the rapid change in their environment.