Monitoring of the carbonate chemistry at the AWIPEV underwater observatory
In its first phase, the AWIPEV-CO2 project set-up a time-series of carbonate chemistry parameters at Ny-Ålesund. It is the first (and only) such series in the Arctic Ocean. These data are required to estimate air-sea CO2 fluxes, the rate of ocean acidification, and plan future perturbation experiments following those conducted in 2009 and 2010. An ERC project has been submitted. Four instruments have been set-up as part of the AWIPEV Underwater Observatory: pCO2 (2015), total alkalinity (2016), in situ pH (2017) and pH in the Ferrybox (2017). Beside IPEV, these activities have been financially supported by the AWI and the European project INTAROS. Discrete samples are collected weekly (dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity) as well as monthly (pH) to calibrate the sensors and perform quality-control. The data are available in near-real-time ( We are seeking the continuation of this time-series.