ALaskan Pollution Arctic Chemistry-climate Analysis


ALaskan Pollution Arctic Chemistry-climate Analysis

The main objective of the ALPACA (ALaskan Pollution and Chemical Analysis) project is to gain new insights into the processes […]

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A Sameby-driven research project investigating the cumulative impacts of environmental and social change on reindeer herding and the future for Saami youth

Reindeer herders today face many challenges, including climate change (resulting in later springs and colder summers), high rates of predation […]

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Contributing to an INTegrated ARtic Observation System around SVALBARD

The Arctic is undergoing the most rapid changes among all regions on the Earth. These changes, including the rapid sea […]

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Management of the EPICA-DC ice core stored at Concordia

The EPICA ice core, drilled at Dome C is 3260 m long and allows to record climatic changes over the […]

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This project represents the French contribution to the international deep drilling project EGRIP (East Greenland Ice core Project) with the […]

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Observatoires pour lier les savoirs autochtones et scientifiques sur les changements environnementaux dans l’Arctique : Adaptation et vulnérabilités de l’environnement et des sociétés sibériennes II

BRISK’s OBS ENV II is the continuation and development of BRISK’s OBS ENV (2018-2021). Situated in Eastern Siberia, six transdisciplinary […]

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Dynamics of coastal outlet glaciers and implications on the overall mass balance of the East Antarctic ice sheet

The Astrolabe glacier serves as a test zone for measuring and understanding the dynamics of East Antarctic outlet glaciers. It […]

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POLArisation of the thermospheric Red Line In Svalbard

After a series of discoveries and a first wintering at Ny-Âlesund, we performed a wintering from Corbel in order to […]

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Architecture of the lithosphere of Terre Adélie

The main goal of the ArLiTA project is to characterise the structures and the deformation of the Terre Adélie and […]

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Gravity variations in polar and sub-Antarctic regions – Constraints on post-glacial rebound and present-day ice melting

Combined absolute gravity measurements, surface displacements, time-variable gravity field from satellite missions and ice thickness over the major ice shelfs […]

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Host-parasite interactions and demography in space: dispersal and local interactions in arctic seabirds

The aim of this research project is to examine the response of animal populations to environmental variability at different spatial […]

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SuperDARN Kerguelen

The radial flux of charged particles from the sun called the solar wind is responsible of the existence of a […]

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