Beyond Epica Oldest Ice (BEOI)


Beyond Epica Oldest Ice (BEOI)

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The passage of time during extended confinement and isolation (SPACE-TIME)

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Effects of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) on gut microbiota, immune system and metabolism adults (PreGlu)

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REdox-reguLATIon of neuroVascular unIT function in hYpoxia (RELATIVITY)

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POLARIS Antarctic campaign

ESA’s Earth Explorer 7 mission, Biomass, is to be launched early 2025, and in support of this mission an airborne campaign is planned […]

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Wearable near-infrared neuroimaging and task performance for brain function during an Antarctic winter-over (WINTERBRAIN)

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Large Extraction of GAses and Compounds from Ice

Our project would drill two shallow 10cm diameter ice cores to ≈300 m depth at Dome C, Antarctica in collaboration […]

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Kerguelen Climate and Interactions with Atmospheric Rivers

Over much of Antarctica, the surface mass balance (SMB) is controlled by a few extreme events, resulting from extreme moisture […]

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The Lincoln Sea, the last refuge of the changing Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean (AO) is a key component of Earth’s climate, acting as a coolant by contributing ~10% to the […]

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Obs4Clim-Marine Atmospheric Composition Amsterdam

Atmospheric aerosols are an important component of the climate system, interacting with solar and telluric radiation. They serve as cloud […]

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Psychophysiological ADAPTation to ICE situations

Fundamental research theme in science since Darwin, adaptation has more than ever become a central issue with the current climatic, […]

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Bio-SENTINEL – Using microBIOmes to help determine the impact of sea ice diSappearance on highEr North aTlaNtic climatE and biogeochemical cycLes

With Bio-SENTINEL, we propose to apply our cold environment metagenomic expertise developed over the last ten years to answering fundamental […]

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