Snow properties evolution in a changing climate in Antarctica


Snow properties evolution in a changing climate in Antarctica

The NIVO project is interested in the evolution of snow at and near the surface over time scales of hours […]

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Permafrost, Rock, Ice and Snow Monitoring in the Austre Lovén glacier catchment

The PRISM 2 project is designed to continue cryospheric studies in a small high-Arctic glacier catchment (Svalbard). Fast dynamic processes […]

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Adelie penguins as Monitor of the Marine EnviRonment

This project proposal proceeds from the recent international efforts towards long-term monitoring of breeding and at-sea foraging performances of key […]

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Environmental Changes and Human Activity In North Eastern Canada (Nunavik and Labrador) during the Last Millenium

The ENCHAINEC project is focused on vulnerability, resilience and adaptation of northern societies facing global change. The rapid current warming […]

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Fluids and magmas transfers across the lithosphere of Kerguelen

Kerguelen corresponds to a unique geodynamic context and geological history, with no current equivalent on Earth, a contemporary analogue of […]

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ASTEP+: Antarctic SouThErn Photometry telescope

Exoplanets are now discovered on a daily basis thanks to many astronomical surveys. These surveys require additional follow-up observations for […]

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Effects of global change on coastal marine habitats of the Kerguelen Islands. Establishment of a base line for ecological and genetic monitoring, protection and conservation

In the current context of climate change, variation of sea surface temperature and salinity, sea level rise and latitudinal shifts […]

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Ecosystems – Snow – ClimAte – PErmafrost feedbacks – 3

There is almost twice as much carbon in permafrost as in the atmosphere. The thawing of permafrost, by enabling the […]

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INTERACTIONS (long-term project): A joint circumpolar project to measure and predict the cascading impacts of “Indirect Trophic in arctic terrestrial vertebrate communities. Period 2023-2026 (related to our ANR funded project): PArental Care Strategies (PACS) of arctic shorebirds: consequences of the interplay between abiotic conditions and predator-prey interactions on breeding success

There is ample evidence that climate changes (CC) are among the most influential drivers of biodiversity, and predicting the consequences […]

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A contribution to Global Mercury ObservationS in French Austral Lands

Mercury (Hg) is a potent neurotoxin that is globally dispersed in the atmosphere. Humans are mostly exposed to mercury by […]

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In situ data for the CALibration and VAlidation of meteorological and climate models and of satellite remote sensing, from Adelie Coast to Dome C

The aim of CALVA is to gather series of in situ observations in Adélie Land and at the Dome C, […]

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H2O Antarctica Microwave Stratospheric and Tropospheric Radiometers

HAMSTRAD is a microwave radiometer that measures tropospheric water vapour and temperature profiles together with liquid water path above Dome […]

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