Monitoring the Southern Ocean


Monitoring the Southern Ocean

The main objective of the SURVOSTRAL project is to MONITOR different physical parameters in the AuSTRAL Ocean with long-term hydrological […]

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The NIVMER project aims to maintain and develop the ROSAME tide gauges network as part of the SONEL French Observing […]

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Greenhouse gases monitoring at Amsterdam Island

The goal of the greenhouse gases measurement program at Amsterdam Island is to contribute to long term atmospheric monitoring within […]

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Glaciers, an Observatory of Climate – SurfAce Mass Balance of Antarctica

This project is the renewal of the GLACIOCLIM SAMBA program initiated in 2004, which is the Antarctic component of the […]

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Foraging Ecology and Energetics of Southern Diving Predators in Relation to Climatic Variability

The objectives of our proposal are to study the foraging strategies and energetics of the main diving birds of the […]

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Responses of Arctic marine birds to environmental constraints in the context of climate change

It is essential to reach a better understanding of ecological processes in the Arctic, as this ecoregion is hit severely […]

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Behavioural ecology of subantarctic birds

Behaviour is the baseline of all animal activities and is continuously modified by cues and clues coming from their environment. […]

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Contaminants exposure and maternal effects in arctic seabirds

The ORNITHO-ENDOCRINO research project aims at investigating the consequences of contaminants exposure on maternal effects in two arctic seabirds from […]

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Monitoring galactic and solar cosmic rays for astrophysical research and space weather applications

The RAYCO project is to monitor cosmic rays, i.e. protons and nuclei of high energy (>450 MeV) that impinge continuously […]

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NDACC Antarctica

The objectives of the 209 project “NDACC Antarctic” consist in long term monitoring associated to process and climatological studies on […]

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Five French magnetic observatories in Austral territories and Antarctica (Amsterdam, Crozet, Concordia, Dumont d’Urville & Kerguelen)

The 5 permanent magnetic observatories (Amsterdam, Crozet, Dome C/Concordia, Dumont d’Urville and Kerguelen) are located in remote and isolated locations. […]

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Adaptive strategies and population dynamics of polar seabirds under environmental constraints

Assessing the ongoing and future adaptive capacities of populations to cope with global changes is a major challenge. Relying on […]

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