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The Institute offers to provide teachers with resources according to the subjects chosen and available for consultation below.
The loan is free. The school is responsible for the collection, return and insurance of the resources. A loan agreement is drawn up. The permanent staff of the French Polar Institute rarely visit the classes.
However, within the limits of their availability, it is possible for us to put you in contact with staff present in the field for exchanges by e-mail. Each year, future winter students have a seminar at the Polar Institute in September, so if your requests arrive before then, it allows us to make them aware of these exchanges directly.
Between 2015 and 2017, the Institute was a partner in the Embarquez en Antarctique ! This project was aimed at secondary school teachers or those involved in the CM2/6th grade liaison and offered them the opportunity to build a project around the theme of Antarctica, based on Annabelle Kremer’s trip to Terre Adélie, at the Dumont d’Urville station.
In order to meet the needs of teachers and to feed their educational projects, Annabelle Kremer has created a set of sheets that you can find here
Des supports vidéos ont également été produits, ils sont rassemblés sur la chaine Viméo de l’Institut, et peuvent être utilisés accompagnés de ces commentaires.
Vous trouverez également de nombreux documents et support pédagogiques sur les sites de nos partenaires, d’organes de presse ou de projets scientifiques :